How can artificial intelligence and open knowledge strengthen each other? What framework conditions are needed to ensure that AI is fair, sustainable and socially responsible?
In light of current challenges such as BigTech power concentrations, the new EU AI legislation and ongoing debates about data use and openness, it is crucial to develop solutions together and take responsibility.
The one-day event will bring together experts from the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Open Science, Open Knowledge and decision-makers from business, politics and civil society to discuss concrete approaches and develop strategies.
The programme:
- In the morning: knowledge exchange in an interdisciplinary fishbowl discussion on experiences and requirements for AI in the practice of open science.
- Afternoon: Community exchange in workshops and working groups. A world café in conjunction with an exhibition offers space for networking, joint strategy development and leads to a practice-orientated handout.
- Evening: Panel discussion with representatives from politics, business, research and NGOs on key political priorities.
Developing strategies together:
How can we make AI fair and sustainable? Where are common goals and how can resources be shared sensibly?
The Berlin University Alliance is looking forward to your participation!
Weizenbaum Institut
Hardenbergstraße 32, 10623 Berlin