Jaime Gomez, Co-Founder & CEO LOOKS XR © Private

25 July 2024

“The focus on sustainability and tech could set Berlin apart from New York and Paris.”

The way people experience shopping is set to change in the near future with the immanent introduction and integration of immersive technologies – to the benefit of consumers and to the good of the planet: Applications such as virtual try-ons allows users to see how an outfit fits before a purchase is made, which leads to a more personalized experience as well as reduced clothing returns and less production waste. One start-up that’s on a mission to “go from e-commerce to AI-commerce” is Berlin-based pioneer LOOKS XR that offers a whole suite of immersive shopping experiences, powered by AI. In his interview with #ai_berlin, co-founder and CEO Jamie Gomez shares the motivations behind his company, the hurdles faced in its inception, the future of sustainable online shopping and the role Berlin plays in this movement.

Hi Jaime, thank you very much for speaking with us. Looks XR develops an AI solution for immersive shopping experiences. What is the mission behind your company that motivated you to dedicate yourself to building applications for the e-commerce industry?

Thank you for having me. Our mission at Looks XR is to help consumers make better purchase decisions online by integrating AI and AR to create immersive and personalized eCommerce experiences. eCommerce relies heavily on easy and cheap shipping and returns for its widespread adoption. However, these two factors have a considerable impact on the environment. We believe the solution is not to make it harder or more expensive for people to buy (i.e., punishing the consumer or the seller) but rather to use technology to help people buy products they will use extensively and won’t return.

What were the biggest obstacles in founding the company, and how have you benefited from joining Merantix?

Being part of the Merantix ecosystem made it relatively easy to legally set up the company, helping with all the legal and financial bureaucracy, which can be very daunting for foreigners. They were also a big support with one of the most significant challenges: finding your co-founder and team. Their backing helps us attract top talent. Not to mention their financing of course.

However, making the decision to start and found my company was not easy. Back then, I was the main financial support for my family, who was in the process of emigrating from Venezuela to Mexico. However, it feels that after one challenge comes the next, and that’s probably the tough part of starting a business: having the resilience to continue battling through obstacles and making that a part of your new reality and personality. It is a personal journey that will look very different for each person depending on their own fears, skills, and personal situation. One must be willing and excited to take a closer look inside to fight both the internal and external obstacles that take you out of your comfort zone and help you and your company grow.

Can you describe the core functionalities and innovations of your AI-powered virtual try-on solution and how it achieves your mission to challenge traditional eCommerce?

We have three main products based on two underlying principles: helping people use more of their products and ensuring that new purchases fit their body, style, and existing wardrobe.

Our first product is a Makeup AR tutorial that shows users in real time where to apply cosmetics to achieve a certain contouring style. The objective is to help people use their current products before buying new ones, but when they are ready to switch, they can use our platform to try on new products tailored to their skin and preferences.

Our second product is a digital wardrobe app where users can see a collection of their best outfits to decide what to wear every morning. We aim to change the fact that we use less than 20% of our clothes. When users are ready to buy something new, our platform ensures it complements their style and existing wardrobe so they will actually use it.

Finally, our third product is a fashion discovery engine powered by Generative AI. Users upload a picture of themselves and prompt outfits that are generated on their bodies. Once they find something they like, we perform a cross-platform search to find the closest match. This helps users better assess the look and feel of new products, reducing the likelihood of returns and increasing the lifespan of items.

Your application promises to make online shopping more inclusive and sustainable at the same time. Both aspects are highly discussed in the shopping industry. How exactly will AI-powered virtual try-ons tackle these issues in the consumerist online shopping industry

Our virtual try-on technology addresses inclusivity by enabling everyone to see how products will look on them, regardless of body type, skin color, or other individual characteristics. This personalization breaks away from the one-size-fits-all approach of traditional eCommerce. In terms of sustainability, by improving the accuracy of the look and feel assessment of products, we significantly reduce the likelihood of returns, which are a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and deadstock waste. This not only lessens the environmental footprint of eCommerce but also encourages consumers to make more thoughtful and sustainable purchasing decisions. It must be noted that assessing look and feel is only one piece of the puzzle, with size and fit being equally (if not more) important. This is a problem that many players must work together to solve, where market efficiency can help.

The AI Scene is confronted with an increasing amount of data security and compliance regulations. How does Looks XR protect client data, and how do you prepare to align with existing and upcoming compliance policies?

We believe personal data security is essential for the long-term success of any business. As a young startup, our approach is to keep it simple and collect only the data that we need to deliver value. Some of our apps don’t even require you to log in and give up personal data because our focus is on validating what truly solves the user problem. This places us in a privileged position when it comes to adopting existing policies and preparing for upcoming ones while still focusing our efforts on building products that help consumers.

You just kickstarted a partnership model with brands. Could you please elaborate on the nature of these partnerships and why you took this step? How important is the role of collaborations in advancing our (technological) future?

Yes, we are very excited about this new stage of our company. We have designed brand partnerships to integrate our AR and AI technologies into their existing eCommerce platforms. These collaborations allow us to extend the reach and impact of our innovations, providing enhanced shopping experiences to a broader audience. Collaborations are crucial, especially in the retail industry. As I mentioned earlier, to make long-lasting change, we need to distribute our efforts and focus on different aspects of the same problem. This will be even more crucial in the years to come with the proposed EU regulations addressing the circularity of products. Brands, tech companies, and retailers will need to collaborate to meet those requirements and preserve their profitability, which will open up new opportunities for incumbents and new players alike. The key challenge for incumbents will be to consider open innovation programs to expand the pie instead of simply dividing it differently. In our case, brands bring a lot of experience regarding user needs, sustainability challenges, expertise, and resources. This will help us better shape our solutions and adapt more quickly to changes in demand.

You spoke at the most recent edition of AI Monday Berlin that coincided with Berlin Fashion Week and focused on the topic of AI and sustainable fashion. What was your impression of the event and how strong is the connection of fashion, sustainability and tech in the city?

The event was a remarkable convergence of minds passionate about the intersection of AI, fashion, and sustainability. Berlin has a vibrant tech scene that is increasingly focused on sustainable practices, making it an ideal hub for discussions on how AI can contribute to more sustainable fashion. This makes it a very different fashion week than other fashion capitals, and I love that. The focus on sustainability and tech is becoming more prominent, which could set Berlin apart from New York and Paris.

In more general terms, what do you appreciate the most about the AI scene here and what possibilities does the local landscape have in store for Looks XR?

The best aspect of Berlin’s AI scene is how collaborative and receptive it is. While there are periods of focus on specific verticals like fintech and SaaS, I can envision this broadening given Berlin’s nature of attracting people with diverse interests. One night out in the city can burst you out of your bubble, whatever that may be.

For Looks, I expect more collaborations to emerge, with Berlin as a launchpad. Berlin is increasingly positioning itself as a European center of talent, which will undoubtedly benefit us as we expand to serve clients beyond the city and the country.

Thank you for your time, Jaime.