Fraunhofer FOKUS, Artificial Intelligence
With many years of experience and specialist knowledge in the field of AI, Fraunhofer FOKUS supports its project partners in solving problems in many domains, e.g. in the media and entertainment sector, in health care, in public administration or in industry.
AI & Society Lab, Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft (HIIG)
The AI & Society Lab is an inter- and transdisciplinary research laboratory at the interface between research, industry and civil society.
Al GRID connects young scientists in the field of artificial intelligence, promotes collaboration and drives innovative research.
AQUA-KI, developed on the basis of the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, offers intelligent, optical methods for the effective detection of microorganisms in waters.
Berlin Center for Digital Transformation
The Berlin Center for Digital Transformation is a cooperation between the four Berlin Fraunhofer Institutes FOKUS, HHI, IPK and IZM. The focus of the work is the development of technologies and solutions for the increasing digitization and networking of all areas of life.
Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data (BIFOLD)
The national AI competence center BIFOLD aims to conduct research into the scientific foundations of Big Data and Machine Learning, to advance AI application development, and greatly increase the impact to society, the economy, and science.
Berlin Mathematics Research Center (MATH+)
The Berlin Mathematics Research Center MATH+ aims to achieve progress on grand challenges in a wide variety of application fields – from sustainable energy supply to individualized medicine to analyzing and understanding social processes.
Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (BCCN Berlin)
The Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin (BCCN Berlin) is a joint research center of Charité, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin and addresses the most challenging questions in computational and cognitive neuroscience.
A project of the Charité Berlin, which aims to make the healthcare system more efficient. This is done with the help of Big Data Analytics.
Campus Benjamin Franklin der Charité, Neurophysics
The working group for neurophysics at the clinic for neurology combines questions regarding neuroscience with physical aspects to gain new insights into the nature of the brain. The group is lead by Prof. Dr. Gabriel Curio.
Center for biomedical image and information processing (CBMI), HTW Berlin
At CBMI, the competences of HTW Berlin in the field of biomedical image and information processing are combined in a platform for research and development.
The CLAIM research group at the Charité in Berlin developed a software-based technology that enables analyses in stroke therapy.
Cluster Science of Intelligence (SCIoI)
The Science of Intelligence (SCIoI) cluster deals with the principles that are shared by all forms of intelligence - whether artificial or biological, whether robots, computer programs, humans or animals.
Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics
Four research groups of the Freie Universität Berlin have founded the so called "Dahlem Center for Machine Learning and Robotics" in order to research algorithms on machine learning and applications of intelligent systems.
Data Science +X Research Center, Beuth University of Applied Sciences
The Data Science +X research network develops solutions for the use of Artificial Intelligence with partners from a wide range of business sectors, such as AI+Health, AI for Lifelong Learning, AI in Supply Chain Management and Industry 4.0, Hate Speech Detection or AI in…
Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Max-Delbrück-Centrum für Molekulare Medizin…
At the Berlin MDC, 15 research groups in the cross-sectional area of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence currently cover a variety of focus areas, such as data integration and disease modeling or biomedical image analysis and complex phenotyping.
The DFKI project "DAYSTREAM" pursues the goal of developing data-driven applications for the early detection and best possible prediction of safety and process-critical mobility events.
DC-HEAT, a project of the Borderstep Institute for Innovation and Sustainability, helps waste heat in data centers to persist. The AI assists in better assessing the influences of waste heat sources on the urban climate.
Digital Society Institute (DSI), ESMT Berlin
The Digital Society Institute (DSI) aims to bridge the gap between technology and society through research that focuses on security and privacy while addressing social, business, legal, and economic needs.
Distributed Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (DAI-Labor)
The DAI laboratory under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sahin Albayrak deals with distributed artificial intelligence.
Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF)
The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) is the center for digitization research in Berlin in the core areas of digital infrastructures, methods and algorithms.
To ensure that no healthy tissue is injured during ultrasound therapy, FOKUS is working on the ESWT project. The aim is to develop new technologies to make focused therapy safer and gentler.
The FAME business unit of FOKUS offers companies the technical know-how for interactive media applications. The focus is on AI, deep learning technologies and video streaming and media.
FIZ Forschungszentrum Informatik
At the FIZ Research Center for Computer Science, the key research focus is on the use of cloud computing, service computing and web applications.
Forschungscampus MODAL
The research campus is located at the Zuse Institute (ZIB) on the campus of the FU Berlin and researches and develops digital systems for the optimization of data-driven processes from the fields of energy, health, mobility and communication.
Fraunhofer HHI, Artificial Intelligence
Fraunhofer HHI wants to close the gap between academic research and the practical application of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The activities of the research groups make it possible to standardize AI and implement it in different sectors.
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)
Based on applied basic research, product functions, prototypes and patentable solutions in the spectrum of information and communication technology are currently being developed by 24 research groups, nine competence centers and eight Living Labs at DFKI.
Google Research
In Berlin, Google work on a range of topics from foundational to more applied and involve data comprised of text, images, video, audio and more.
HPI Data Lab
The new HPI Data Lab opens up new perspectives, especially for research work in machine learning and data analysis. One focus will be on methods for processing and storing large and dynamic data sets as well as complex data analysis on parallel distributed infrastructures and…
Humanoid Robotics and Human-Technology Interaction (HARMONIK), Beuth University of Applied…
HARMONIK conducts research on the future of interaction between humans and humanoid robotic assistance systems, e.g. for use in Industry 4.0, healthcare or home life.
Humboldt University AI Expertise Map
The Map of Research Expertise provides a topic- and industry-related overview of innovative AI research at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and is the ideal matching tool for collaboration between researchers and industry as well as for initiating cooperation projects.
Idalab helps biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical device companies harness the power of data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
The KAMeri project, developed by eemagine Medical Imaging Solutions GmbH, is a novel brain-computer interface for human-robot interactions. It detects brain waves of humans and thus allows to adapt the interaction to their mental state.
The KI4NK initiative, conducted by ConPolicy, uses an AI to ensure sustainable consumption by search engine providers. This is done by systematically thinking together business and consumer perspectives.
The telemedical care platform MACCS of the Charité in Berlin pursues the goal of detecting health complications in time, preventing them in the long term and increasing the quality of life of patients.
SMECS, developed by the TU Berlin, focuses on the realization of agile transport networks. This is achieved by a model which enables proactive detection of cross-actor failures.
Technische Universität Berlin
With its approx. 33,500 students, approx. 100 study programs and 40 institutes, the Technical University of Berlin is one of the largest, internationally renowned and traditional technical universities in Germany.
With the Telemed5000 project of the Charité Berlin, an intelligent system was developed for the telemedical co-care of several thousand cardiological risk patients.
The TreeSatAI project at TU Berlin is pursuing the development of AI methods for monitoring tree populations and forests on a local, regional, and global scale.
Weierstrass Institute
The Weierstrass Institute conducts project oriented research in applied mathematics with the aim of solving complex problems in technology, science and the economy.
Zalando Research
Zalando's research efforts in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence are derived from real customer problems and challenges we face in our daily work areas.
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) is an interdisciplinary research institute for applied mathematics and data-intensive high-performance computing. Its research focuses on modeling, simulation and optimization with scientific cooperation partners from academia and industry.