Unboxing AI - Expert talk and performative simulation

On 17 October, the Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes cordially invites you to gain an insight into the development of artificial intelligence as part of a low-threshold, performative simulation. As an example, the Competence Centre will accompany the launch and installation of a new artificial intelligence, which the Competence Centre will playfully familiarise you with its use and functional possibilities.

The Competence Centre will then delve deeper into the topic together with experts and talk about legal conditions and innovative AI projects from the cultural and creative industries. The Competence Centre is delighted to welcome Niklas Mühleis (lawyer and expert in AI law and data protection) and Michael Högemann (founder of Dawanda and Megaloop) as discussion partners. Johanna Worbs from the Identity Foundation will moderate the event.


  • 17:30 Admission
  • 18:00 AI simulation
  • 18:30 Expert discussion with Niklas Mühleis and Michael Högemann
  • 19:15 Q&A
  • 19:30 Joint conclusion & networking
  • 20:00 End

Participation is free of charge, but registration in advance is required.

Kompetenzzentrum Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft des Bundes

Jägerstr. 65, 10117 Berlin

Register here