
The fourth NAT'25 will take place from 07.04.2025 to 10.04.2025 in Berlin. Look forward to four days of incredible speakers, insightful presentations and valuable networking opportunities between academia, industry and government partners.

Focal topics

  • 07.04.2025: Welcome 
  • 08.04.2025: The Science of Neuroadaptive AI 
  • 09.04.2025: Innovations, Regulation and Oppounities
  • 10.05.2025: Global Strategy, Emerging Markets and Advancing Research


brAIn network meeting at NAT`25

The brAIn network meeting will be Europe's first in-depth meeting dedicated to neuroadaptive AI. It will explore the benefits for individuals and society, the key scientific challenges and the ethical and regulatory considerations.

A key objective of this meeting is to lay the foundation for a neuroadaptive AI network, originating in Europe and uniting researchers, entrepreneurs and thought leaders in an initiative that goes hand in hand with global efforts to advance AI.

By supporting and participating in the brAIn network, you will help to shape the future of human-AI interaction across industries and societies and set the stage for a new wave of innovation that connects neuroscience and AI.

ABION Spreebogen

Alt-Moabit 99, 10559 Berlin

Register here