KlimaKompetenz-Camp-XIII - Opportunities and risks for sustainable development through the use of artificial intelligence (AI)

KlimaKompetenz-Camp XIII brings together experts, innovators and interested parties to explore the latest developments and possible applications of AI in the context of sustainability. You can look forward to inspiring presentations and a wide range of networking opportunities. The detailed programme will be announced shortly.

General information:

  • The events are certified as advanced training courses (SenBJF Berlin) and are free of charge for you.
  • Educational leave (formerly educational leave) can be applied for in accordance with BiUrlG (SenIAS Berlin).

Qualification contents:

  • Understanding the climate crisis:
    Scientific foundations and the latest findings on climate protection and sustainable development.
  • Shaping sustainable development:
    Introduction to climate and sustainability communication.
  • Deepening the focus topic:
    Imparting specialist knowledge in accordance with the defined focus topics (cf. event).
  • Developing working and learning materials:
    Developing openly accessible materials (OER) for professional work.
  • Transfer climate expertise:
    Clarification of legal foundations and political framework conditions.

The programme starts at 9 a.m. on the first day of the event and ends at 1 p.m. on the last day.

Secure your place now and shape the future with us!

Umwelt-Bildungszentrum Berlin

Kladower Damm 57, 14089 Berlin

Registere here